Bottle Opener – (soft opener) Designed for the 15-20% that are paying attention at the start. It’s not meant to be seen by everyone, but those that do, see a quick magic trick and react. Those that don’t see it, end up reacting to the people around them who saw it. They end up telling themselves, “I should pay attention.” versus me trying to munch them in the face to get their attention.
Shuffled Box – (2nd soft opener) A follow-up to the Bottle Opener – also soft – Take out a deck of cards and begin to shuffle them while asking someone to think of a card. Suddenly the deck is back inside the box. This is a “What! I missed it again?!?”
Reset Sans Elmsley – My handling of the classic Paul Harris Reset. I’ve since adapted it to play for a larger crowd, platform style.
Jinxy Gemini Backfire – A Dr. Daley-type trick where the red and black Aces transpose. We break the rules and repeat the trick, but when the cards are looked at, they’ve become the kings.
Cast O’Fifty-Two – My take on the Phil (Oscar) Deck, with the added bonus of the name being saved til the end and a rolling bank of names. Can also do 2 cards at the same time.
A.C.A.P. – A coin in pen cap routine. Pitchng. Slipped Back Clip Grip.
In transitu – My take on John Kennedy’s Translocation. The Chocolate Chip Move. Sounding right.
Y.A.T. Fly (Yet Another Three Fly) – Shell ploy / “Clean up”.
Dual Reality – Taking a single band and splitting it into 2.
Sagacious HC – My take in the classic CMH.
Crocheted – Causing the bands to pass through each other.
Liquid Band Too – Passing a rubber band onto and off of a pen, stick. Chop stick.
Saint-Expurey Rose – The paper rose had become a neo-classic in magic. I decided to re-engineer the entire thing and this is what came from that effort.
String Theory – My take on the classic gypsy thread. No balling of thread.
Balloon Gag – A gag and lead up to Clifford
Clifford – Giant Balloon Animal.
Up – Causing a balloon to float.