What will he teach?
4 Ace cut into “Liar, Liar” mind reading effect- (Classic mentalism effect) 4 people on stage. Great way to bring people up on stage. Starts with 4 spectator’s cutting to aces. Then moves into mind reading affect where the magician can tell who wrote what on 4 pieces of paper. Packs small and play big on stage.
Silk Thru Spectator’s Arm- A silk penetrates through a spectator’s arm
Knife Thru Coat- Always very strong impromtu routine. A real knife goes through anyone’s jacket.
Flying Knots in Glasses- Great routine that packs flat and plays big. Knots magically fly from one set of tied scarves across the stage to another glass being help by a spectator.
Coins Thru Table/ One coin routine- A modernized version of the Great Slydini’s coins through the table. Powerful principles of timing and misdirection are taught in the process of learning this great routine.
6 card repeat- A great opening effect. Tony teaches a simple un-gimmicked version perfect for any act.
3 Phase cut and restored rope routine- (First two phase from Slydini’s cut and restored rope routine) Fun strong effect. Great for anyone’s act.
Bottle thru Body- A beer bottle is passed through someone midsection. (later in the lecture I can show the bottle thru table as well.)