Many eye candy card tricks like TNR and Color Changing usually require gimmicks to achieve the visualness. What if we are telling you that, our in-house artist, Avi Yap has developed a concept to perform these card tricks without any gimmicks yet they are still insanely visual?
From the mind of Avi Yap, we proudly present to you Nova.
Nova is Avi Yap’s signature card routine that has been developed for more than 4 years. Nova has been impressing many respected magicians around the world like Dave Buck, Daniel Prado, Shawn Farquhar, Harapan Ong and Gregory Wilson. It’s hard to believe that Nova doesn’t require gimmicks until you learn the secret.
In this DVD, you will learn:
Color Change
Perform an eye candy color changing effect utilizing Nova’s concept.
Utility Move
Nova doesn’t only shine when done visually. Utilizing Nova’s concept, you can execute a card switch right under the spectator’s nose without them even realizing.
Torn and Restore
Perform unbelievable TNR plot like never before.
Marked Card
Tear the corner of the signed card and hand it to your spectator. In a split second, the color of the signed card changes. The spectator then reveals the torn corner to still match the signed card. If you desire, you can change the color of the torn corner as well.
Visually transform a deck of cards blank utilizing nova’s concept.
Spark 2.0
Spread the deck and have the spectator to choose a card, tear the corner and mysteriously vanish the torn corner. In the next second, you visually restore the card without any cover. Final Kicker? You turn the rest of the deck into the blank cards.
If you want to take your sleight of hand card tricks to the next level. Look no further, you need to add this to your library.