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F-16 by Wojciech Warpechowski




What is F-16?
F-16 is new method for number forcing. It is simple but not transparent at all. You can force virtually any number by first forcing magic number and then modifying it into wanted number.
100% math. 100% fair. 100% free choices.

Learn this amazing new principle and fool everyone (even magicians)!
You can easily create your own tricks utilising F-16 method, it is very flexible and has big potential for storytelling.

You will learn:
F-16 method: new ingenious number force. Results are guaranteed by The Math itself!

Simplified F-16 method: even easier F-16 variation.

3 strong effects using above methods:

Numerology prediction – you will give volunteer quick personality reading and predict her Personality Number! You will look like the Real Psychic / Numerology Sensei!

Simplified prediction – volunteer thinks about any 2 numbers, makes how many (simple) calculations she wants… you already know her final number!

Mind-reading effect – after establishing diabolically deceptive “fair testing conditions” you will read “truly random” number from the spectators mind!
All volunteer’s choices are totally free.
First and second effects are for 1-2 volunteers, third is optimised for 7-8 volunteers.
All calculations can be done by the volunteer, you only have to give the instructions, so (for you) it is self-working. Volunteer has to have a calculator (math is simple but numbers can be big). If you want, you can handle calculations yourself (and do them openly) to eliminate risk of miscalculation.
F-16 is nearly-impromptu – once you learn the secret just grab a pen, sheet of paper and calculator/mobile and you are ready to perform. For 1st and 2nd effect you can prepare yourself earlier and print needed templates, but you can also make them on the spot.

Only simple Math:
NO gimmicks
NO peeking
NO secret moves
NO equivoques
NO fishing
NO dual reality
NO stooges or pre-show
you will NOT provide any numbers
100% simple math
100% free choices
100% self-working
100% fair & clean
works 100% of the time
nearly-impromptu (needs pen, sheet of paper and calculator/mobile)