It doesn’t get more fair than this. Yes, this uses a gimmick, however in exchange for that one requirement, you get the holy grail of out of this world. A completely process-free version where a spectator can shuffle the cards, deal 2 piles and then you almost immediately show them that the entire deck has been split into red and black.
Where other gimmicked OOTW tricks have used the gimmick to get into classic OOTW setup, this new method side-steps ALL the process and lets you have fun, remember nothing and just blow people away.
If you want to SLLLLOOOOOWWWWWLLLY reveal one card at a time like the classic REQUIRES you to do, you can still do that. Dunn Deal liberates you from stopping half-way, having to remember which half is which, and basically EVERYTHING that’s unpleasant about the original version, and most modern variations.
Dunn Deal is quickly becoming the preferred OOTW of pros like Dan Harlan, and we think you’ll see why the instant you perform it for the first time.
Collectors of OOTW methods will at first wonder what’s new about Dunn Deal vs previous gimmicked versions like Cosmos Duo. But the instant they perform it, they’ll realize how much process and mental effort has been eliminated. There’s simply no going back.