What will he teach?
Coin Opener- Coins appear, split, multiply, vanish, and re-appear in a myriad of ways ending with a fistful of cash.
Rope Routine- A wonderful series of rope tricks, including penetrating the rope through various body parts.
Right Handed Coins- A tabled coins across.
Now Look Here Handling (Chad Long’s classic)- an offbeat way to reveal two peeked cards with extra magic bits.
6 Point Routine- Six sleights in one routine.
Single Cup & Ball- a pared-down version with one small cup that’s suitable for walk-around situations.
Cups & Balls- A routine showcasing cool moves without vanishes and perfectly paced final loads.
Bill in Lime- One of the cleanest vanishing bills in existence. And, after a few gags, the signed bill returns inside a lime.
Rice Bowl Routine- The 1998 SAM award winning act leading up to the completely unexpected production of a full bowl of rice.
Theory- Coins, Cards, and Closers.
And More!