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Dan Harlan – Tarbell Lesson 20 How to Please Your Audience




The secrets taught in this lesson are not tricks. They’re the secrets of presentation. If you’re looking for tricks, this lesson isn’t for you. But if you’re interested in taking your magic to the next level, you’ll be watching this one many times.

Michael Ammar is one of the best magicians alive today, and together with Dan, they discuss some of the most important lessons a magician can learn.

You can either learn the secrets in this 77 minute lesson from Michael Ammar and Dan Harlan.. or hey, you’ll eventually pick them up after a lifetime of regular performance. Your choice!

By now, you’ve learned an incredible amount of modern, performance-ready magic tricks supported by solid sleight-of-hand techniques. And, you’ve picked up ways to customize effects to suit your own needs. But, there are some performance secrets that go way beyond what an audience sees you do… to the very core of how they experience your magic.

As a magician, you are fundamentally an entertainer, and to be successful you must please your audience. If they don’t like you, it doesn’t matter what you do.

There have been entire books written on this subject, but this lesson attempts to give you an overview of many of the most important aspects to keep in mind when you are performing for an audience, whether they’re your friends or the paying public.

Join Dan, and his good friend, Master-Magician Michael Ammar, as they discuss ways you can get an audience on your side from the very beginning.

They talk about capturing an audience’s imagination, being original, understanding human nature, working on your timing, humor, showmanship, personality, and so much more.

You’ll soon discover that when you begin by pleasing your audience, they will respond many times over with applause, laughter, and delight.