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Cubed Card by Catanzarito Magic




Perform 5 Amazing Magic Effects with a Single Business-Sized Card!

New from Catanzarito Magic comes Cubed Card – a single business-sized card you can carry with you at all times. Now you can be prepared to perform 5 amazing magic effects at any time! Cubed Card contains the images of 48 dice (24 on each side) and you can get 10 full minutes of great effects! One of the effects allows you the option to text your prediction to your spectator – after your performance you can send them a link to your website, Facebook, etc. and get more gigs!

Here are the 5 effects possible with Cubed Card:

Effect 1 (Mind Reading) – After showing your spectator that the rows on each side of the card add up to different sums, the spectator is free to choose a row and add up the total. Without asking any questions, you are able to look into your spectator’s eyes and tell them what number they are thinking!

Effect 2 (Body Language) – Spectator rolls an imaginary die and remembers the number on top. You have your spectator answer “yes” to every number (1-6) when you ask them one by one if it is his/her number. You are able to determine when they told the truth and when they lied based on their body language, and you can tell them exactly what their freely chosen number was.

Effect 3 (Prediction) – You make a prediction (written, whispered to a spectator, or by texting to allow you to send your web info after the performance is over) of what die a spectator will land on after a free choice of side, row, and dice in that row. Your prediction always matches 100%.

Effect 4 (Spectator) – Train a spectator to reveal a completely free choice of any dice on the card. You are able to train your spectator right in front of everyone, without them knowing a thing!

Effect 5 (Spectator) – Train a spectator to know whether any dice in a freely selected row is odd or even. This effect also allows you to train a spectator right in front of everyone, without them knowing a thing!

Carry Cubed Card with you, and be ready to astound people at a moment’s notice!