What will he teach?
A Study on the Pass
The effect recalls the antique Hofzinzer’s Everywhere and Nowhere and allows the application of three different passes:
• A Covered Hermann Pass
• A standard Le Paul Pass.
• An Hermann Pass using a personal approach
Chosen Card Production
A personal take on the classic Dai Vernon Hand Washing Acquitment.
Fism Award Winning Coin Routine
Highlights of the routine:
• The sleeving technique performed with economy of movements and subtleties in the arm and wrist movements which allow you to launch the coin into the sleeve with a minimum effort.
• An analysis on the exploitation of the Sleeving comparing the “magicians vs. laymen perception” of a coin vanish.
• The coin production from below the four aces, discussed with richness of details on handling and misdirection in search of the best possible naturalness.
• Coins across: a new handling using the Fred Kaps Click Pass that allows a straightforward passage of the coins from hand to hand.
• Three Coins Vanish: a strighforward application of sleeving to Al Schnider’s “Dynamic Coin Routine”.
• Reverse Matrix: inspired to Paul Gertner “Reverse Assembly” performed without faked coins.
Six Card Repeat
• A personal take on an old classic as performed in my professional show for laymen, discussing the reasons that make this an excellent professional opener for such performances.
Cards Up The Sleeve
• The classic Dr. Daley routine from Stars of magic allow to discuss a personal handling for the vanish of the tenth card!
One Coin Turnover Switch
• A coin is switched in plain sight while apparently just turning it over to show one signature on it. A smooth coin handling to get an unsuspected switch.
Letter From Japan
• A card is forced after the spectator himself riffle shuffles twice the deck: an astonishing professional self working item.
The Cardano’s Card Trick
• Simply put, the magician names every card the spectator freely chooses.